
Aaron Stokes

To “get to know” Aaron on a more personal level including his favorite books, movies, influences, and his heart-felt personal statement, scroll down to the bottom of this page after reading his bio…


For music fans who love positive, conscious music that inspires, we’ve found the artist for you. Often described as a cross between piano guys, Lindsey Sterling and Manheim Steamroller,  New age- Celtic-Crossover and multi instrumentalist/singer/songwriter, Aaron Stokes has performed live in front of thousands of people. With a powerful message, captivating stage presence and compelling melodies, it’s impossible not to sing along. fans around the world have gravitated to Aaron’s positive vibe and love for life.


Something that makes Aaron so unique is that he is also a motivational speaker who combines his on-stage charisma with his inspiring personal stories, original songs, and various instruments to provide “Keynote Concerts”. Aaron has performed and spoken to Thousands of people around the country at seminars, trainings, colleges, and conferences.


Despite growing up in a very musical family, Aaron’s career as a musician/songwriter didn’t materialize until he purchased a retail music store and hired an incredible musician to teach music lessons. within a short time, he befriended his new music teacher who had an incredible amount of music industry experience. At first, only knowing 2 chords on a guitar, Aaron had to be coerced into performing but in a short period of time, he was hooked. In the beginning, Aaron could not imagine that he would ever compose music. but Todd (The store music instructor) insisted “stick around me long enough and you will be farting your own music”… He was right. Aaron now composes a wide variety of music from Pop, Celtic, Steampunk, rap, Classical Edm and Cinematic and Commercial music.

With the release of his newest album “Beyond”, a vision of creating positive change in the music industry, and a talent that is truly living his purpose, you can’t help but cheer on this modest, rising star. For more information, booking, or interviews, contact:


Stuart Copland


Getting to know Aaron

Favorite Movies:

The Great Race, Coco, Hugo, The Secret, 9 to 5, Mystery Men, Much Ado About Nothing (Kenneth Branagh), Some Like It Hot, Nacho Libre, The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, The Scarlet Pimpernel (Jane Seymour), Darby O’gill And The Little People, The Court Jester.



Never eat alone, Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Alchemist, The Screwtape Letters, Candide (Voltaire), The Imagineers Series, The 5 Levels Of Leadership, The Four Hour Work Week, 7 Habits Of Highly Successful People, How To Win Friends And Influence People, Think And Grow Rich (Anything from Dale Carnegie), The Element, The Superbeings, Secrets Of A Millionaire Mind.



Being with his wife (of 30 years) and kids (and grand kids), Sailing, Hiking, Camping, eating copious amounts of popcorn, watching and observing people, Rock climbing, good conversation, playing on the beach, meditating, wood working, inventing and building clockwork machinations.



Todd Que (without him, Aaron never would have known more than 2 “cowboy” chords on a guitar) Jesus, Harpo Marx, Chico Marx, Andy Griffith, Red Buttons, Paul Simon, Sting, Chip Davis, Red Skelton, Danny Kaye, The Smothers Brothers, Homer’n Jethro, Tim Conway, Carol Burnett, Walt Disney, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Ray Stephens, Peter, Paul and Mary, Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie.

Favorite Quote:

“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, gaiety and life to everything; It is the essence of order and lends to all that is good, just, and beautiful.”

– Plato

Personal Statement

Excerpt from Aaron’s Book “The Hobo’s Apprentice”

So many of us find ourselves in difficult or even seemingly impossible situations.  We have goals, dreams and desires… What happens to them when we experience hardship? Do they become difficult to imagine? Have those goals and dreams been forgotten because they caused too much dissatisfaction, fear or sorrow? What are your goals and dreams? Have you obtained everything you ever wanted? What keeps those things from coming to pass?

I have been blessed to have experienced a lot of diverse experiences.  I was raised in a good home. My parents were highly educated and accomplished but I struggled in school and eventually dropped out. I floundered socially and battled deep consuming depression well into my 30s. There was a time that things were so bad that my young wife and our first child were homeless and living in a VW buss. I believed that I didn’t have anything of value to offer the world, my family or anyone. try to imagine the shock that came when I discovered that what I thought was a useless soul was really an irreplaceable treasure! Even a son of god! Gratefully, I have been free of depression and meds for years now. I’m not just free from depression, I have found channels that cause my soul to soar! I found love, joy, gratitude and charity. My wife and I have raised our family and most of them are adults now living productive lives of their own. Life is still not always easy but I am never broken and I know that I will always prevail if I remain focused on my goals and desires.

Not very many years ago, (and I really can’t say exactly when it began – somewhere in my late 30s) my life changed and I embarked on a journey that has taken me places I never thought I would go. It did not begin with me deciding to do anything specific or stepping out of the front door or even getting out of bed. It was internal in the beginning and came to reality in the form of questions and dreams as I slept.  I have learned lessons from those dreams that have given me such perspective, that I often feel like I want to stand on a roof top and shout the message!! I often wonder, how can so many people not see what I see? Of course, I only recently found it myself and we don’t all see the same things and often depend on the views of others to get a better perspective.  I feel as though the events of my life were perfect in preparing me to become a bridge builder. Winston Churchill (In regard to his incredible roll during the second world war) was once quoted as saying “my entire life has prepared me for this”

At the writing of this book, I see the benefit that life’s challenges have produced for me. They have shaped my attitudes and beliefs. I realize that I began largely a product of my environment and its cultural programming. Some good and some, not so good.  but as the inner journey has commenced and I have worked to become more self aware, I have begun to reap the blessings that come from learning from and loving others. By sharing lessons from my life and drinking in the lessons from others, I have discovered many truths and principles that have given me a sense of purpose and power. I couldn’t have made these discoveries in any other way. 

In this book, I will share with you some of my dreams, their interpretations as I understand them and experiences that I consider to be powerful messages, insights and warnings. I don’t claim to have all of life’s answers and I still have so much to learn. I love and celebrate the diverse differences that the human race has to offer!

The message of this book, If you choose to read it with an open heart is that you are not alone. You are capable of anything. This is a special world and god is the author and creator of it all. It is for your benefit as well as mine. There is a supreme purpose and everything we do moves us in that direction whether we know it or not. I do not believe in chance or luck. I believe in purpose.

With that said, I take full responsibility for my actions. God is the cause of all of my happiness and I am the cause of all of my sadness. If god is ever to blame in my life, it is when I experience good. Otherwise, I have myself to thank.

Thank you for your interest in this book. It is my hope that it may in some way be of value to you in your life. may the light within you brighten. May you feel the love that causes this world to function properly and share it with your brothers and sisters. May you too, join the ranks of the worlds leaders and become a bridge builder in the way that best brings joy into your life and the lives of others. May god be with you!

I want to give a very special thanks to my friend and mentor, Todd for the priceless knowledge that you imparted to me and continue to give. I will forever be in your debt!